4 November 2021
Clare Tries, Founder and CEO of Clash Creative
Three-minute read
Due to the nature of today’s digital landscape, digital marketing solutions must be incredibly diverse and customizable. By developing smarter, more customer-focused marketing solutions, organizations can begin expanding their digital marketing strategy to better reach prospective clients through manageable and trackable tactics.
After an unprecedented two years for companies across all industries, more organizations are beginning to reevaluate marketing budgets to keep up with the pace of rapidly changing marketing trends. As a result, the importance of a comprehensive and effectively informed marketing plan has never been greater.
Digital marketing techniques are constantly improving, and the methods used to achieve goals through the conventional marketing techniques of the past are no longer suited to the business needs of tech companies. Online marketing is now dynamic – it’s always working and always performing, as opposed to the static nature of untrackable or outdated marketing tactics.
Here are four of the most effective marketing tactics to embrace moving forward:
Facilitate online interaction by getting creative with digital event planning
As a result of the unprecedented changes brought about by the pandemic, digital event planning has provided organizations with an alternative to in-person engagements. When done correctly, organizations can explore more creative ways of engaging online audiences, like event opportunities for collaboration or networking. By engaging audiences in online communities, organizations improve their conversion rate, creating meaningful, lasting relationships while also combatting the effects of “Zoom fatigue.”
Improving online visibility through social media and search engine outreach
Now more than ever, companies have been faced with the daunting task of navigating increasingly polarized social and political climates within and across the digital landscapes of today’s most popular social networking platforms, like Facebook and Twitter.
Presidential politics, the international response to the pandemic, and increasingly siloed media are forcing brands to make hard decisions about how and where they align with their customers. As such, every dollar spent on marketing material and outreach should be considered against its ability to improve brand awareness. Through social media and search engine marketing, which grant brands the most direct forms of customer engagement, organizations can effectively emphasize the values that matter most to them and their target audience.
Maximizing the outreach potential of branded
and collaborative content
Content marketing is a key growth strategy for most companies since it’s one of the most successful ways to increase audience engagement, expand your brand visibility, and generate sales. It’s also one of the most cost-efficient strategies for increasing audience engagement.
When it comes to content marketing, the possibilities are endless. From video content to blog posts, organizations can present their audiences with authoritative content that emphasizes what the company offers. A marketing agency can also help you share content that effectively tells your story at the right time to the right people.
Do you have vendor partners with funding programs? Find out if you can use available funds to collaborate on thought leadership content. Then, utilize your partner’s reach on social media and other distribution channels to share your content with a greater audience.
Clash Creative is well-versed in acquiring vendor partner funding. We can help you work with vendors to leverage all available funding for your dream marketing projects.
Get in touch directly to chat about the best vendor funded marketing opportunities for your business.
Using increased marketing budget spends to your advantage
We live in a digital-first world, and for the foreseeable future, all companies must continue to navigate the virtual needs of their clients and promote their brand using the most efficient marketing techniques. As we enter the final months of 2021, organizations are beginning to understand the increasing importance of innovation regarding long-term marketing methods that generate and retain high-quality leads.
For the upcoming year, leaders in the tech and digital landscapes expect to spend up to 25 percent more on their marketing efforts. As such, organizations should use these budget increases to their advantage. We recommend exploring marketing channels you haven’t yet considered. Examples include automation tools that track engagement and intent data, social media advertising, and email marketing with longer drip campaigns that increase brand awareness and educate your current client base on your full suite of offerings. Additionally, with over 40% of the global workforce questioning whether they want to leave their current employment, it’s worth considering how to start utilizing your marketing team to enhance internal culture as well as attract and retain top talent in your industry.
Book a Call
There are numerous tools available to help you improve your approach to interacting with customers, leads, and your internal teams. However, the implementation of better, more effective marketing depends on a thorough understanding of how various types of solutions work together to enhance visibility specific to your target audience.
When you book a call with Clash Creative, we provide a complimentary in-depth assessment of your current digital presence and offer a custom monthly marketing solution that aligns with your business goals. Ready for a new year of growth? Let’s chat.
Clare Tries is the Founder and CEO of Clash Creative. She is a creative copywriter and passionate marketing professional with over a decade of experience in the IT industry. Her company provides collaborative and rewarding marketing solutions for IT industry and small business professionals.